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End of 2020 Reflections

Has this year been hard or what? As we see 2020 coming to an end, it's a great time to reflect. When COVID-19 brought all of lives to a screeching halt in March, little did we know we'd be looking at 3/4 of a year WITHOUT OUR CHILDREN. We miss them terribly. Nine months of no senior luncheons. Wednesdays just aren't the same. We are so anxious to see everyone again. We're gearing up for 2021 and making plans. We are working on some options to improve our facilities to include some additional (and much needed) bathroom facilities as well as some other changes to make our spaces more comfortable for its precious inhabitants. We have been knocked down this year, for sure. Thankfully, we serve a BIG GOD who will continue to direct our ministry. We are watching numbers. We are listening to recommendations from medical professionals. But more importantly, we are praying protection over our entire Mt. Calvary family and the community as a whole. God is still at work. We covet your prayers as we move forward. 


Summer Camp Cancelled

Mt. Calvary Outreach Center’s Board of Directors met Thursday, April 23 and determined that the Summer Enrichment Program scheduled for June 1 – July 31 will be cancelled this year. It was a difficult decision, but due to the nature of camp, the Board felt it would be too difficult to maintain social distancing in the building and while being transported. The ministry is still exploring summer ministry options, but is waiting on the governor to announce a lift in restrictions.

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Camp Wrap Up

June 2019 brought us a load of fun with over 100 campers ages 3-16. The building was alive and bustling with sweet sounds of adults pouring into the lives of our precious campers. Our students learned Bible lessons, kept their math and reading skills sharp through educational play, enjoyed pool time, learned tennis, experienced nutritional education, took a field trip to a water park, and more. We pack a TON into 4 weeks! Please pray with us, if you would, about extending camp. It's been on our hearts for a while now. Won't you pray that we can find the funds and staff to make it happen? 

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Lighthouse in the Community Gets Permanent Home


“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I will rain down bread from heaven for you…” Exodus 16:4

“Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” Exodus 17:6

Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. It’s easy to think about how hard of an existence that must have been. But we’re reminded that while they wandered, God was ever present, providing for their every need along the way. It hasn’t quite been 40 years, but Mt. Calvary Outreach Center (MCOC) knows what it’s like to have God provide in miraculous ways. The ministry has followed His pillar as He’s led them from one spot in the desert to the next, each step of the way, getting closer to the land He’s promised. Mt. Calvary is both humbled and proud to announce that there is now a permanent space to call their own. On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, the United Methodist Church Convention signed over the former UMC Kershaw building located at 305 W. Church Street to Mt. Calvary. For the past 3 summers, the organization has used the space and finally, after years of having the Summer Enrichment Camp spread all over the community, it has been able to have all 120+ campers and staff under one roof. It was truly a blessing to see all the children in one place. In addition, the programs have been able to expand to include more regular meetings with the children, youth and senior citizens in the community. In an effort to plant the ministry even further, an office was set up last summer. There are now regular office hours, a phone line and a website. Administrative Support is provided by Tiffany Whaley and the Ministry Director is Rev. Reo J. King. The two work closely with the organizational Board of Directors and volunteers to continue existing programs and plan for future expansion.

While 305 W. Church Street may not be The Promised Land for MCOC, it truly is an example of God’s provision. The building is small and dated and needs a lot of work. It will take a village to keep it in one piece and even then, the growing program will overflow its walls. But what a beautiful ray of hope He has given!

Mt. Calvary is a lighthouse in the Kershaw community. The lighthouse was the symbol that ministry founder Pastor Eugene Lewis chose and it has stood for almost 30 years. MCOC has weathered many storms and stands ready to weather more. The Solid Rock is under the feet of the ministry. Any individuals, organizations or businesses wishing to join the efforts to fortify and improve the building, please contact us at 803-475-7546 or To support our Beacon of Hope Building Campaign, mail checks (payable to Mt. Calvary Outreach Center) to PO Box 483, Kershaw, SC 29067.

© 2020 by Mt. Calvary Outreach Center


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PO Box 483

305 W. Church Street

Kershaw, SC 29067



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